Make Employees the true Assets


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Imagine, employees were truly company assets.

Imagine, “employees are our most valuable assets” would not just be spoken words, but written numbers.

Imagine, humans would not just be a resource shown as expense in the P&L, but actually a capital investment shown in the balance sheet.

Imagine, each year of service, each training, each promotion would appreciate the employee’s value and company’s assets.

Imagine, an employee leaving the company would result in a write-off.

Imagine, layoffs would result in a decrease of company valuation instead of an increasing share price.

Imagine, the most valuable stakeholders, the employees, would finally directly impact the most valued stakeholders, the shareholders.

Imagine the possibilities if this became reality.

Imagine, these thoughts have been around for a while.

Imagine what you can do to appreciate employees as the true assets.


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© ATvisor™; Picture Source: AZ Quotes

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