Master Your Life – Lead Yourself

Master Your Life - Lead Yourself

Self-mastery in difficult times

“Master Your Life – Lead Yourself” is a bite-sized self-development journey, delivered virtually or physically, tailored for regional and global teams. The content is split over 3 sessions and covers topics such as self-discovery, mindset shift & change, resilience & optimism as well as mindfulness. Every content session is followed by a reflection session after 1-2 weeks. Individual coaching sessions can be delivered optionally as when needed.

“Mastering Life” seems one of the most pressing development need for people. Impacted by the pandemic, people look for purpose of their doing – maybe even of their being. We unfortunately notice higher levels of worries – if not even anxieties and depressions. Getting our own lives in order sets the foundation for any other change – be it a change about us or around us. 

Life mastery starts with self-awareness and the willingness to dig up hidden thought concepts, limiting beliefs and fixated mindsets. It also means letting go of fears, having a purpose in life as well as sound principles guiding us through life.

Master Your Life

A bite-sized self-development journey invites to exciting self-refelction and discovery, tailored for regional and global teams, delivered virtually or physically.
Master Your Life - Lead Yourself Modules

Embrace change and growth

This course is addressing those matters and we are happy to customize the content to your needs.

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3


Other Signature Programs

Lead by Models – Become a role model. Become the leader whom people want to follow. Discover the natural leader in you.
Lead Yourself – Lead Others – Lead Change. Combing leadership essentials from various literatures, researches and case studies into simplistic models that are easy to learn and apply.
Find the Y in Your Leadership STYLE. Based on our Self-Coaching Book “Intentionally Becoming Different”, this program is designed to make a difference in the lives of people who want to make a difference.

Making your change
successful and sustainable

Get intentionally different perspectives and fresh insights on change.
Embrace your change and make it stick.

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