Li8ht Your LIFE™
Find the I in your LIFE
Li8ht Your LIFE™ is a 2-day program designed to make a difference in the lives of people who want to make a difference for themselves and those around them. It is inspired by our self-acohing book “Intentionally Becoming Different”. On Day 1, participants are led along the LIFE Model© to understand how our Logos (conscious and subconscious mind), our distraction by Form (such as appearance, possessions and achievements) as well as our Emotions limit us from seeing who we truly are and help to discover the real “I”. Day 2 follows an 8-step process with the purpose to craft an individual plan for a meaningful balanced, healthy and Li8ht Life with a personal commitment to relevant actions:
Li8ht Your LIFE™ – Create your life! Live a life in quality and serenity. Live a life you don’t need leave from.
Li8ht Your LIFE™
Based on our Self-Coaching Book “Intentionally Becoming Different”, this program is designed to make a difference in the lives of people who want to make a difference.
Li8ht Your LIFE™ Modules
Find the Y in Your Leadership STYLE
The course is based on scientific researches and a blended approach of facilitation, videos, self-reflections, group discussions, peer learning as well as action planning. Optional, the program can be delivered as a 1-day version
Day 1
- Master Your LIFE™ Through Self-Awareness along 4 LIFE Areas of Self-Discovery: Logos, I, Form, Emotions
Day 2
- Light your LIFE along 8 Steps towards your New LIFE Plan:
1. Limiting Beliefs
2. Lessons Learnt
3. Leaving Old
4. Leading New
2. Lessons Learnt
3. Leaving Old
4. Leading New
5. Language
6. Lifestyle
7. Legacy
8. Life Plan
Alexander's knowledge, principles, and wisdom of personal growth capture the essence of being human. Inspiring!
Joon C.
A course filled with brilliant points and insights, helping to move from 'life is leading you' to you are living your life.
Li N.
If you want to live your life by design rather than by default, this is your course.
Andreas G.
Other Signature Programs
Lead by Models – Become a role model. Become the leader whom people want to follow.
Discover the natural leader in you.
Lead Yourself – Lead Others – Lead Change. Combing leadership essentials from various literatures, researches and case studies into simplistic models that are easy to learn and apply.
Embrace Change & Growth. This bite-sized self-development journey invites to exciting self-refelction and discovery, tailored for regional and global teams, delivered virtually or physically.
Making your change
successful and sustainable
Get intentionally different perspectives and fresh insights on change.
Embrace your change and make it stick.
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