Make Public Speaking as easy as ABC – With iBCD

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No doubt, there are born speakers. They own the stage, both in physical and virtual settings, with their presence and charisma. The audience is glued to their lips and nobody watches the time as it just seems to fly by. While public speaking is already feared by many people, those stellar speakers – without having any bad intentions – make it even tougher for the amateur speaker to get on stage. However, everybody can succeed in public speaking by having self-confidence and mastering some simple skills, which we packaged as the iBCD Model of Public Speaking.

While the born speaker may be able to deliver a mind-blowing speech literally when woken up at 3am in the night, the novice speaker may need to invest more time in a solid preparation well prior to the actual presentation. The iBCD model applies to both, preparation and presentation, as described below.


The Preparation iBCD: Interest – Boldness – Content – Data

Interest: It is more important to be interesting and interested than intelligent. People learn best when they are entertained rather than lectured. Hence, be sure you have a topic of great interest. Know your audience and collect ideas how to best bring your messages across in an interesting way.

Boldness: Be bold. First impression counts and the last impression will be most remembered. Having a bold title and a well-prepared ending statement will give you the right frame for your speech. Train to carry some boldness in your voice and gesture. Prepare to leave your audience with a punchline summarizing some key pointers or let them off contemplating over an open question.

Content: Surely, it is not just about the show. Your content must be hip and VIP, too. You can check your content by asking yourself these VIP questions:
Will I add any Value for my listeners?
What kind of Impact do I want to make?
What is the overall Purpose of my talk?
Once you have satisfying answers for all three VIP questions, you have the skeleton for a solid and hip content.

Data: It always helps to beef up your content with data in a wider sense. You may consider some research on facts and figures supporting your messages. Using survey results or relevant quotes from famous people or suggesting books and articles for further reading are ways to give your speech the extra edge.


The Presentation iBCD:
ntroduction – Body – Conclusion – Delivery

Introduction: After a good preparation you can now go relaxed and self-confident into the presentation. Your audience will feel that you have done your homework. Don’t talk too much about yourself but make understood that you are the best person to talk about this topic right now. Once you have their full attention, outline and preview your presentation, ideally along three key bullet points.

Body: Once you introduced to your audience ‘why’ you want to speak to them and ‘what’ you are about to talk about, the body part is all about the ‘how’. Tell your story in clear points. Ensure you stick to the main line of your script but be ready for some flexibility if you see the need for it, for instance based on the audience’s body language, such as questions marks or boredom in their faces.

Conclusion: As you are well prepared for this part, make sure you reinforce your central points. This is your final pitch to make your speech memorable.

Delivery: Throughout the delivery of your speech, don’t rush as this comes generally across as nervousness or insecurity. Have your eye contact moving around among participants which will increase the tension. Use your space and walk around, at times approaching the audience. In a virtual setting, use whiteboards, chat boxes and quizzes to engage the audience. Use pictures, metaphors and stories to tap into human feelings. Over time, you may collect your very own repertoire of appropriate stories and constantly improve an effective vocal and gestural support of your verbal communication. Last but not least, ask questions – not only for clarification but also for engagement. You may ask the audience to guess certain statistics before you reveal the data or let them finish a sentence for you. Most importantly, just have fun!

So, practice your iBCD and your next VIP presentation will be as easy as ABC!


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