“Mastering Life” is most pressing Development Need for People

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“Mastering Life” seems the most pressing development need for people, according to our relatively representative LinkedIn poll with 101 participants from a rather diverse background.

We also seem to have chosen the right development areas in “Leading Self”, “Leading Others” and “Mastering Life” since only 4% of the poll participants voted for “Others”.

Development NeedsThe fact that “Mastering Life” got by far the highest votes (47%), might be put in connection with the pandemic. As the world shifted down 2 gears, we see an increasing number of people reflecting on the purpose of their doing – maybe even of their being. We unfortunately also notice higher levels of worries – if not even anxieties and depressions. Getting our own lives in order sets the foundation for any other change – be it a change about us or around us. Life mastery starts with self-awareness and the willingness to dig up hidden thought concepts, limiting beliefs and fixated mindsets. It also means letting go of fears, having a purpose in life as well as sound principles guiding us through life.

“Leading Self” came on second place with 34% of the votes. This makes also sense on a chronological sequence. Once we feel as master of our lives with a clear compass, aka purpose, it becomes much easier to lead ourselves through life.

Putting “Mastering Life” and “Leading Self” together, 80% of the people see a need for self-development while 20% of the people would rather focus on “Leading Others” and “Other Topics” (green bars).

This result is great news. We cannot truly help others, not even mentioning leading others, if we have not done our own homework yet. As an Asian proverb goes, if you want to do something for your community, start with your own house – and if you want to improve your own house, start with yourself.

In summary, it is interesting that the ranking of the voted items follows the logical sequence we should apply to succeed in our behavioral change, as described below – and happy to help if we can.

  1. For “Mastering Life”, consider our Master Your Life Signature program, which receives great feedback from participants; feel free to book a free 15min session with our Founder to provide some quick hints and different perspectives, also evaluating how we could be of further help: Live a Life you don’t need a Leave from
  2. For “Leading Self”, consider getting our 5-Star rated self-coaching book “Intentionally Becoming Different”, setting you on an insightful self-discovery at just ~15 USD: Find the I in your LIFE
  3. For “Leading Others”, consider our self-directed online course “Unfold the Serene Leader in You”, setting you on an exciting self-reflection journey around leadership values and principles at just 199 USD: Find the Y(ou) in Your Leadership STYLE

Looking forward to your thoughts and comments on LinkedIn.

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