Simple Change Principles


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Keep it Simple on Leading Change.

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” To those famous and often quoted words by Confucius, one may add:
I experience and I learn.
I experiment and I truly change.

True change is an inside-out process, starting with a fresh mindset rather than through outside-in learning. Change happens when we experiment with an open mind outside our comfort zone.

At ATvisor™ we use our I SMILE© model that we successfully apply to instill sustainable behavior change for our coaching clients. I SMILE© stands hereby for Intention, Self-awareness, Mindset Shift, Incubation, Leading Change, Endurance.

1. Intention: Start every change by declaring the intent to change; choose to intentionally become different from your old self or behavior

2. Self-awareness: Pause and connect with the inner self; reflect and understand the Why behind “how we see the world”; identify the underlying mindset

3. Mindset Shift: Shift this underlying mindset by seeing different ways of thinking, since thoughts trigger our words, actions and interpretations of situations

4. Incubation: Let this new way of thinking sink in; digest it; nurture it and give it some time to mature

5. Leading Change: Lead yourself through the change; don’t be managed by change

6. Endurance: Stay on course and be alert of relapses; don’t fall back into old thought patterns, behaviors and habits


Contact us to start an enriching journey of sustainable behavior change. Choose ATvisor™ – Live wiser.

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